17 Daily Power Tips to Care Your Hair and Scalp

As said prevention is always better than cure 17 Daily Power Tips to Care for your hair and scalp

1. Remember that your hair is what you eat. (more hair loss diet) There’s food that contains all nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for your hair (fish, nuts, meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, milk, rice, etc.). Avoid food that doesn’t feed but poisons your organism and makes your hair suffer (tea, coffee, alcohol and so on). Unfortunately, the majority of modern civilized people prefer food that is far from being healthy.

2.  One of the main things to stop hair loss is good blood circulation in the scalp, that can be achieved with the help of massage.

3. Comb your hair not less than 2 times a day.

4. Wash your hair not less than 2 times a week with a good shampoo.

5. Wash your hair according to the following principle: cover your head with shampoo 2-3 times and wash it off first with warm water then with cold water to stimulate blood circulation.

6. Dry your hair with the use of your hands and a warm towel. It is recommended to do it outdoors in sunlight.

7. Your comb should have even and smooth teeth.

8. A brush should have stiff and long bristle to make good blood circulation in the headskin. A soft-bristled brush is used to make hair shiny.

9.  If your hair is dry you can rub egg-white into the headskin before covering it with shampoo. Also you can rub nut, olive or castor oil into the scalp one hour before washing your hair. Essential oils can also be used. You can rub in oils before sleep.

10. Bathing in the sea has a very positive effect for your hair. But don’t forget to rinse it with sweet water.

11.  Walk bare-headed as often as possible. Early sunlight can stimulate hair growth. Don’t be afraid to catch a cold walking with an uncovered head. You will make yourself fit.

12. Don’t put beauty above health! Some women don’t comb their hair for days because they are afraid to spoil their hair-do that they made in this or that beauty shop or salon. All this creates terrible conditions for hair and they start to drop out.

13.  Find some time for relaxation. Even 10 minutes a day of lying on some incline or just on the floor creates blood inflow to the scalp that brings nutrients to your hair.

14. It is necessary to have deep and sound sleep to restore your body’s ability for everyday activity.

15. Consult a dermatologist before dyeing your hair.

16. Never use metallic hair-curlers as they make hair brittle.

17. Using hair spray is not recommended. As a last resort, use the least toxic hair spray and in the smallest amount.

Starting today, try these  17 Daily Power Tips to Care Your Hair and Scalp and you will see great results in less than a week!

PS. You might want to discover how to measure hair loss - click here!
For men, click Norwood-Hamilton scale.
For women, cick Ludwig Scale

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